Friday, May 18, 2012 - So I ended up going to be early last night because I couldn't shake the funky mood I was in. I woke up this morning feeling much better. I had some fruit and nut granola for breakfast and then I cleaned house for about an hour before Cameron woke up. Anyone who has toddlers in the house knows how exciting this can be. I took a break from cleaning to play trains and make Cameron breakfast. While making breakfast I realized we were running low of food options so I decided to make a list and head to the grocery store.
When we got home from the grocery story we had lunch. I had a turkey lettuce wrap with cheese and mustard. I have been trying to cut back on my bread intake. I love, love, LOVE bread and I thought it would be hard but I really like lettuce wraps. They have a crunch to them that is refreshing. I also had two small celery sticks with roasted red pepper hummus (another new favorite).
After lunch I put Cam down for a nap and since my muscles have been tight from working out I decided to try a yoga DVD. It took me about 15 minutes of trying to keep up with instructor before I determined I'm still not a fan of yoga so I switched to a stretching workout DVD. I got more of a workout than I thought I would get, which I liked. It had a few yoga moves that I suffered through and when I finished the 45 minute workout I felt relaxed and calm. I happen to have a small collection of workout DVDs but if you don't have any or not a fan of your selection, I suggest going to your local library and checking out what they have.
For a snack I had some fresh blueberries and strawberries with a dab of plain Greek yogurt. Cameron and I played until daddy got home. Friday nights are usually are go out to eat nights but we decided to stay in and have leftovers. So I had a small BBQ brisket sandwich with some orange bell pepper slices instead of chips. After dinner we headed out side to do some yard work and play until bedtime.
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