Monday, July 16, 2012

On My Own

I'm embarrassed at how long it's been since I've blogged. VBS has kind of taken over my life the last couple of weeks. So not only have I been busier than usual but Christy is on vacation so I don't have the extra encouragement to help stay on track.
I will try to think back to what I've been up too.

The week of July 1st-7th - I worked out upper body on Monday. Ran a mile and a half in 15 minutes on Wednesday.  Saturday I did an extremely hard workout that left me sore for about 3 days. (Check out my workouts at the bottom of the page.) Not bad for being on my own.

The week of July 8th-14th - I was very bad this week!! We had VBS workdays every day and I ended up taking over the Preschool Director position so my focus has not been on working out.
I did workout on Tuesday with Chad.  I felt like I didn't get a good workout because we were using the same equipment so I had to do a set and then wait for him to finish before I did my next set. I loved working out with him but I think we will have to do stations next time so we are not using the same equipment.
For the rest of the week I got my workout running all over the church, moving tables and climbing ladders. Not my idea workout but I was active.

I don't think I have lost any weight by not working out as hard and as often. I have been doing alright with my diet. I have been giving into my cravings more than in the past so I will have to stop that before it get's out of hand.

I did buy two new dresses, in a smaller size!!! One is even sleeveless. 

All in all, I miss Christy and hope that she get's back soon to help me get back on track!!


Monday, July 2nd

Ran half mile warm up

3 sets of 10 reps
Standing shoulder press
Chest press on ball
Stabilized Biceps curls
Triceps kickbacks

Alternating Supermans on floor (1 min)
Back extentions on ball (1 min)
Back extenstion legs only on ball (1 min)
Push-ups on ball (15)

Crunches on ball (25)
Side Crunches on ball (25 each)
Striaght leg (reverse) crunch (25)

Saturday July 7th

Ran half mile warm up

3 sets of 12 reps
Wall Squats
Glute kickbacks with 3lb weight in bend of knee
Calf raises with 5lb weights (20)
Squat jump-ups on curb

3 angled lunges with 5lb weights (10)
Leg side lifts with 8lb weights
Step ups with bicep curls 8lbs
Bow and Arrow with band (Love this one)

Plank for 30 seconds
Crazy Ivans (30 sec each side)

Ran half mile

Tuesday, July 10th

Ran half mile warm up

3 sets of 12 reps
Chest press on ball
Chest glys
Row with band
Tricep dips -

Superman on ball
Back extenstion on ball - legs only
Pushups on ball

Russian Twist
Abs - medicine ball hand off on stability ball

Ran half mile

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